Welcome to the world of

Manufactured Spending

Noun. The process of generating spend on credit cards to earn points.. just from the info on this blog!

Hey there, I'm Aleks, and I'm all about making travel dreams a reality. While the web is brimming with travel guides and blogs, my focus is a bit different. I'm here to spill the beans (for free) on how to score a stash of credit card points without spending any money, and then use them to travel like a VIP.

Everything you see on this blog are the real methods that I’ve used to consistently generate over $20,000 in credit card points each year. So join me on this journey where luxury travel becomes attainable for normal folk like us – no fancy budgets required. Let's get started on your next adventure!

New here? Start with our Beginner’s Guide

Want even more points? Check out the Churner’s Lounge

Start earning unlimited credit card points in two steps

The $100,000 Spending Challenge

Or check out the latest on our challenge to spend $100,000 on our credit cards, as we share every step on our journey to earn over $20,000 in points!